WatchTime Launches in Brazil

wtbrasil150WatchTime is excited to announce its expansion into the Brazilian market with the launch of A partnership between WT’s parent company Ebner Publishing International and Besser International, WatchTime Brasil offers news and reviews with the quality and independence for which the WatchTime brand is known. also features videos with Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. Brazilian readers are also now able to access WatchTime’s extensive Watch Database, containing 24,000 watches and 710 brands, in Portuguese.


WatchTime is coming to Brazil at a time when the popularity of watches is at an all-time high in the country. The Brazilian fine watch market holds one of the highest global growth rates, with an increase of 30.3% in comparison to 2011, second only to China, whose growth rate is 36%. The data from World Watch Report 2013 also shows that Brazilians’ online searches for luxury brands increased 24% in 2012 over 2011. In the list of the 50 most searched items, at least 10 were watch brands, or brands that have watches in their product range.

To check out the site, go to


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