iPad Edition

This page contains information about downloading and using the WatchTime iPad app.

Click here to go directly to the app in the iTunes store.

NOTICE REGARDING APP UPDATE: WatchTime recently released an update for its iPad app. After updating the app, you will need to re-download – at no cost – any issues of WatchTime you have previously purchased. This is because past magazine issues must be updated to be compatible with the new version of the app that displays them. To download past issues, please follow these steps:

Open the updated app. You will see available WatchTime issues with the blue “$8.95” button next to them (except the free Vacheron Constantin Special Issue). To download an issue, touch the blue button. A prompt will appear advising you that the issue will be free if you have previously purchased it. Touch the “Buy” button on the prompt, then enter your iTunes password. If you have previously purchased the issue, you will receive a notice to that effect. Tap “OK” to download the issue at no cost, then tap “Download”.

We apologize for the inconvenience this process presents. Other leading magazine apps also require this type of process. We’re aware that this is not optimal, and we are working to improve future updates.

Using the WatchTime App

WatchTime includes “bonus content” such as videos and photo galleries in the app so that it is available offline. This improves reading convenience, but it also increases the file size, which can extend the download time.
When downloading the WatchTime app, it is important to have a strong, stable internet connection during the download, which can take several minutes depending on your connection speed. An unstable or fluctuating internet connection or signal can cause the download to stop.

Before you get in touch with our support team, please make sure of the following:

1. My iOS software is the most current version (See under Settings>About>Version on your iOS device)

2. I’m using the most current version of WatchTime’s iOS app (See “i” and then “Powered by”)

3. I have saved the ID of my app

4. I’m logged in to my iOS device with the AppleID that I used to buy the issues.

If you continue to experience download problems, please contact us at [email protected] and describe your problem in as much detail as possible.

Click here to go directly to the app in the iTunes store.

Using the WatchTime app

In the iPad edition, touch these icons to view enhanced and bonus content:

iPad edition icons

Bonus content is always available! Only web links require an internet connection.

The app also displays a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Here is an overview of the icons and their functions:


WatchTime iPad App Tools

Click here to go directly to the app in the iTunes store.

App tools