WatchTime Wrist Shot Contest #2: You Choose the Winner

Last month, we ran the first-ever WatchTime wrist shot contest to resounding success. As we lead up to WatchTime New York 2018 (buy your tickets here!), we wanted to run our second contest with a twist.

This time around, YOU decide the winner.

Here are the rules:

  • You’ll have a two week submission period from Monday, September 24, to Monday, October 8, where you can send your best wrist shots (limit two entries per person) to [email protected] or post them on Instagram with the hashtag #watchtimewristshotcontest.
  •  We will then pick our ten favorite wrist shots based on the same three factors (composition, creativity, and image quality) as the first contest.
  • On Tuesday, October 9, the polls will open for two weeks and you’ll get the chance to vote on your favorite wrist shot from the top ten. The winner(s) will be announced on Monday, October 22.
  • The top five finishers will receive an All-Access Subscription to WatchTime magazine and one grand prize winner will receive a free Saturday ticket to WatchTime New York (travel costs not included) along with his/her All Access Subscription.
  • To be eligible for the grand prize, please provide us with your address so we can set you up with a subscription if you win.
Winner of the first WatchTime Wrist Shot Contest.

NOTE: All submissions will be automatically entered into our newsletter database unless specified. 

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  1. Griffin Emblem

    Nice! Our brand will participate! We just sent some pictures! Thank you for the contest!

  2. Sandi DeLatour

    What a wonderfully imaginative contest… pictures of beautiful object ‘d Art hanging off of a bunch of severed limbs!


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