For Art’s Sake: The Jaeger-LeCoultre Hybris Artistica Collection

Jaeger-LeCoultre fans are familiar with the brand’s Hybris Mechanica series of high-complication watches. Last year, Jaeger introduced that series’ high-craft counterpart, a collection called Hybris Artistica that showcases decorating skills like engraving, enameling, gem-setting and marquetry. “We believe that aesthetics are as important for a watch as technical mastery,” says Stéphane Belmont, international marketing director. “We asked our artisans to create for every single watch something that particularly highlights it.”

There are 12 watches in the collection; nearly all are highly complicated, using many of the same movements designed for the Hybris Mechanica watches. “Think of it as the artistic expression of our Hybris Mechanica range,” says Janek Deleskiewicz, creative director of Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Some of the pieces are one-of-a-kind; the others are being made in a series of just three pieces. Prices are available on request. Scroll down to see photos of the creative process behind the making of Hybris Artistica, and check out the watches themselves on the following pages.





Go to page 2 to see the Hybris Artistica watches…

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  1. Farouk Fikry

    Thanks for the great effort. Always wanted to see these famous watches – you made this possible and also with detailed description. Waiting for your next editions ……

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